If you do not see your desired date available on the reservation calendar, Please call 916.656.2469 or email: Info@ShootersAllSeasonPaintball.com
3-day advance notice and deposit required
Family-friendly fun for Everyone ages 8+
Up to 45 players
Low Impact players play Only with other low-impact players.
Available with Standard or Gold Package on weekends OR on weekdays for groups of 14+
...you choose.
Low-Impact Paintball is a NEW type of play that promotes the same activity & teamwork as regular paintball, but the guns are just as accurate, lighter weight, shoot at a lower fps, and because the paintballs are 30% smaller,
they hurt less!
We recommend Low-Impact Paintball for anyone age 8+, as well as for first-time players.
Ages 8+
An exciting alternative for a celebration
A memorable healthy way to cut loose before the Big Day.
An opportunity to build bonds between teammates/coaches OR co-workers/bosses
Quick moving shorter games
Strategize your way to victory and ring the bell
Traditional wooded fields with endless vantage points & themed scenario games